Week 1: FUNwork!
Well done! You have begun your journey of transformation by grounding yourself in your body and opening The Morphic Field portal to connect to the resourcing strength of your Ancestors. Throughout this course you will build a deep, beautiful relationship with your Ancestors through the fact that you are
the leading edge of thousands and thousands of years of thriving men
and women whose success embodies each cell of your body. And NOW you have the ability to access this strength, support, and resources at any time...
Take a photo of, adhere the post-its to or draw the final position of your mini-constellation in your journal. Write or draw your experience meeting your Ancestors in your journal. Use these questions to inspire your response:
During The Morphic Field Ancestor Meditation:
- What did it feel like to have your 7 generations of Ancestors behind you during the Ancestor Meditation?
- What is your experience being "the leading edge" of your Ancestors?
- How far back do you feel your Ancestors' presence during the Ancestor Meditation?
During The Meet Your Ancestors Video:
- What information (thoughts, feelings, sensation) did you channel as you placed your hand on “my Ancestors?”
- What did your Ancestors think and feel about you?
- When you placed your hand on “me now” how did you then feel and what did you think about your Ancestors?
- What message (s) did your Ancestors give to you? Did you receive it?
- What message (s) did you give to your Ancestors? Did they receive it?
- How did your Ancestors feel when you placed them behind you?
- How did you feel with your Ancestors’ support behind you?
- With your Ancestors supporting you from behind what resources/gifts did you presence that they give you?
FUNwork This Week: Strengthen Your Ancestral Morphic Field
If your FUNwork is not fun- then you are not doing it right;) Yeah, I said it...Make
your FUNwork and journaling fun! How can you do that? Set yourself up to win, do works for YOU, in a way that you will want to do it.
Doing the work in your life after you do these exercises will strengthen your
morphic resonance, which is essentially strengthening the manifesting power through Law of Attraction. Everything is energy and vibrates at a certain frequency. In this course you are altering the frequency of yourself and what is in your Morphic Field and therefore what you attract in your life. Doing the FunWork and connecting to your transformed Morphic Field increase the speeds in which you manifest Your Future Self.
- Every day this week, presence the support of your Ancestors as they stand in their strength behind you. Communicate with them when you need their support. If you do not feel their support listen to the meditation again to restrengthen your Ancestral connection. Every day (set a timer on your phone for 10am for example) presence, feel, use, and express gratitude for the gifts and resources your Ancestors pass on to you that allow you to survive and thrive.
- Start to notice how your Ancestors and The Morphic Field communicate to you through your intuition, your dreams at night, coincidences, and synchroncities. The more you notice and honor this communication, the stronger you will build that muscle and the more you will receive communications from The Field. Write your draw your experience in your journal. I write (nearly) every morning when I wake up for 20 minutes. During this time I write out my dreams, process whatever energy needs to be processed, and "channel" spiritual, creative daily guidance. Throughout my day I dictate synchronicities, "Aha moments" and other communications from The Morphic Field into my phone through emails or you guessed it, on post-its (I love post-its;). Set yourself up to win! Do what works for you!
- Find a small space or table to create an altar honoring your ancestors. It doesn't have to be elaborate, could be a spot on a shelf or you can designate a space on a wall. Find at least one item for your altar. Perhaps include a candle, photos, or relics. As you continue on this Course, keep adding photos of your Ancestors from as far back as you can. Begin to really get to know them and you will have stronger interactions with them in The Morphic Field. Download and print out Seven Generations: Your Ancestors of Support PDF and place it on your altar, writing in names of your Ancestors and attributes as you get to know them through this Course. If accessible, ask your parents, aunts and uncles about your family. Ask them to tell you stories they can remember of your grandparents and any stories passed down from generations past. Below is a photo of my current altar.
- Begin the amazing habit of automatic (stream of consciousness) writing in your journal first thing when you awake. Do this as many days as possible. A suggestion: Page 1- write your dreams as soon as you awake. Page 2- write all the crap out that's in your head. Page 3: this is where you channel your genius, your messages from The Morphic Field, and your gratitude.
- Communicate with your ancestors when you need their support. If you do not feel their support listen to this meditation again to restrengthen your ancestral connection Every day, presence and express gratitude for the gifts and resources your ancestors pass on to you. Create your OWN PERSONAL way of connecting with your ancestors. Some inspiration:
- Make it personal: I often pick flowers and put them in a vase my grandma made.
- Listen to your intuition: I saw a random postcard of Elvis in an old antique store- my grandma LOVED Elvis, and I KNEW I had to buy that postcard and put in on my altar, I knew my grandma would love it. A day later, I shockingly get a missed call from my grandma's old phone number which kind of freaked me out. My grandma is deceased... After asking my mom WTH, I found out that my aunt had taken over my grandma's land line phone number and had "accidentally" butt dialed me the day after I bought that Elvis postcard and placed it on my altar. This is how this thing works...Talk about communicating with your ancestors :)
- Presence your Ancestors: When I am in a crowd or among others and I'm feeling a lot of different unsettling energy around me, or any time I feel ungrounded or not confident, I presence the strength of my ancestors behind me and this allows me to also stand in my own strength.I become instantly resourced.
- Do what you did when they were alive: I still write notes and cards for my grandparents like I did when I was little. I still love eating perogi and celebrating my Polish heritage. What food or place or custom connects you to your ancestors? Do that! Do that and you will feel them there with you.
Write and draw your experiences in your journal to strengthen your Ancestral Morphic Field. And remember to set yourself up to win. Right now, this very moment, put daily reminders in your calendar to do your FUNwork. Start this practice.
of you may be getting off to a slow start connecting to The Morphic Field.
No worries! There is a learning curve to "dropping into" The Morphic
Field. Practice getting out of your
head, and into your body, with focus of your awareness at your heart. You will build the muscle before you know it.
*Some of you might not feel a strong connection to your Ancestors right
now. No worries! Just keep doing the work. They will show up for you.
Remember, your journey is perfect no matter where you are, do the work
and let it unfold for you. You are building your relationship with your
Ancestors, and for some of you, this is the first time anyone in your
family has connected to your Ancestors after generations of energetic
disconnect. WELL DONE! You are taking these steps to reconnect your
family and yourself. Notice what you notice, do the lessons and FUNwork,
let The Morphic Field work its healing magic. Over time, you will
reconnect, strengthen, and resource your relationship with your
Ancestors which will trickle down to you...**Some of you may still not
want to connect with your Ancestors, or with particular ancestors. You
don't have to. You are connecting with Ancestors who strengthen and
support you. Remember, we don't have to be best friends with our
Ancestors, and we don't have to even like them. What we can do is simply
be grateful for the fact that because our ancestors survived and
thrived- we are here, alive, at the leading edge of life. We can give
thanks to our Ancestors for doing what it took in order for us to be
alive right now. And we can presence and honor the good, the resources
they passed onto us.