YOU ARE AT THE LEADING EDGE OF LIFE. You are resourced by thousands and thousands of your Ancestors whose support can be presenced behind you, extending wide and deep, like a "V" back through all of time. Each generation passes down their strengths and resources which you can presence for yourself at any time. Each of your Ancestors passes down thousands of years of survival, thriving, love, wisdom, joy, beauty, tenacity, humor, peace, brilliance, connection, transformation- and ENDLESS amount of resources that exist within your DNA and in your Morphic Field, which you can access at ANY time.
So often we forget to honor our Ancestors whose spirit and DNA remains alive in us and in our Morphic Field. We disconnect from our parents in order to "grow up" and so often we become stuck in anger at our parents, disagreeing with or even hating parts of them. When we disconnect from, hate or are angry at parts of our Ancestors what we are doing is hating the part of them that is in us. There is no energetic difference.
In The Morphic Field you will reconnect with your Ancestors, and create an open line of communication, gratitude, honor, and respect such that you feel resourced and strengthened by their presence. Connecting with your Ancestors in this way allows you to connect with yourself in the same powerful way.
*Note: Some of us did not have the best childhood or had ancestors who were unethical or abusers. We don't have to be best friends with our ancestors, and we don't even have to like them. What we can do is simply be grateful for the fact that because our ancestors survived- we are here, alive, at the leading edge of life. We can give thanks to our ancestors for doing what it took in order for us to be alive right now. And we can presence and honor the good, the resources they passed onto us.
In this Lesson you will:
- Open The Morphic Field as a portal to meet your Ancestors.
- Interact with your Ancestors, exchange messages, words of gratitude, and/or physical embrace.
- Receive messages of guidance from your ancestors.
- Acknowledge, receive, and honor the unique gifts
and resources your ancestors give to you
- Feel and receive your Ancestors' magnificent strength and support.
- Once you meet your Ancestors in The Morphic Field, you can presence your Ancestors, their strength and resources at ANY time.
When to watch this video:
- Anytime you feel disconnected, alone, isolated, or lost.
- Anytime you feel ungrounded, wobbly, weak, unimportant, small, overwhelmed, or insignificant.
- Anytime you are feeling an intense emotion especially toward a family member, such as anger, betrayal, or sadness.
- Anytime you do not feel or can’t acknowledge the gifts, talents, and resources passed onto to you by your Ancestors.
- Anytime you don’t feel your Ancestors supporting you from behind.