Your Future Self Now Course Description
There’s no “right” way of doing this course. Wherever you are on your Life Path at the start of this course and wherever you are at the end- is all perfect; it’s all part of the journey.
During this course you will uncover the part of you that is blocking you on your Life Path.
You will transform that part from a block into a resource, clearing your Life Path to Your Future Self. By the end of this course you will experience in the present moment what it feels standing in the shoes of Your Future Self. And, you will have laid the foundation needed to fully manifest into Your Future Self, over time, in your life. As you clear your life path you feel more present, embodying a visceral awareness that you are the leading edge of life and Now is the time. You will be graced with a peaceful acceptance and a humble gratitude as you connect to your Source- and the knowing that this life is about the journey, that the journey is all perfect, and we are all whole and complete. After completing the course, your experience of life shifts, as you now naturally take supported, pivotal steps on your Life Path, on a newly transformed forward trajectory towards Your Future Self.
In this course you will be accessing The Morphic Field. The Morphic Field is a portal to communicate with the Universe. The Morphic Field gives you access to another dimension of yourself. During this journey as you reconnect parts of yourself, you are likely to un-suppress old wounds, which may at first feel uncomfortable. This feeling will "flip" through the transformation. Uncovering the suppressed is the first step to being free from the pain- once revealed, you can finally heal those wounds- for you cannot heal what is hidden.
Over time, as you uncover and transform through support of The Morphic Field you will increase the energy of Your Future Self that you channel in your present moment life. Remember, everything is energy and has a particular frequency - people, places, things, etc. in your life may start to occur to you as “off” or like “nails on a chalkboard” – meaning they don’t resonate with you anymore, as you are now resonating more as Your Future Self. Hear this intuited guidance as you are now receiving clear communication that it is time to release that former energy from your life. This can also initially feel painful or uncomfortable at times, and you may experience a grieving process as you let go. Allow this energy to move, to leave your Morphic Field. You will be clearing out A LOT of energy during these exercises, keep letting it go, allowing it to leave. You naturally will tune into what is not resonating anymore as you step into your Future Self and act from him/her. Each lesson you complete during this course will move old, stagnant energy and each step you take in The Morphic Field on your Life Path toward your Future Self will catalyze the manifestation of people, places, and things resonant with the energy of Your Future Self. Allow it.
This course is a process, a journey; life is a process and journey. As there is no time or space in The Morphic Field- you can experience standing in the shoes of Your Future Self instantaneously and at any time. Fully manifesting the life of Your Future Self will not happen overnight. That would be anticlimactic and unfulfilling. Instead, your Life Path will now occur to you as the unfolding of a supported, co-created journey, your intuition will heighten, signs and synchronicities from the Universe become distinct and clear. Over time, as you grow and expand, you will face new blocks in your life and as you return to the exercises in this course you will once again transform that blocking part of you from a hindrance into a resource and clear your Life Path. Confident, connected, and resourced; each time you transform and reconnect a part of you- you will increase the channeled energy of Your Future Self. And each time you transform and reconnect a part of you- you will feel more and more integrated as Your Future Self and be so in love with this life you transformed and created. You will have many moments when you will realize that you have fully integrated and have Become Your Future Self Now! The journey will be amazing.
Each video lesson in this course begins with a short meditation to assist you as you enter into The Morphic Field. The Morphic Field is a type of naturally occurring field, like an electromagnetic field, that you can access to reveal the energy and information of almost anything. The Morphic Field is an experiential phenomenon, which means talking about it isn’t much going to help you understand it, experiencing it will. In this course, you enter The Morphic Field to communicate with the Universe, to uncover hidden dynamics operating in your life, and to open the portal to your resourcing Ancestors.
Each lesson has a step-by-step tutorial video showing you how to set up and facilitate a “constellation” in The Morphic Field. As you watch the tutorial video you will facilitate your own constellation using post-it notes (or pieces of paper) on a tabletop (like the photo below) A "constellation" is the term for how energy and information is physically presented in The Morphic Field. Like how information of electromagnetic radio waves are heard though a radio, the energy and information of The Morphic Field is channeled through constellations. In this course we use intentional words written on post-it notes to “represent” people, places, things, etc. in your constellation. The word constellation literally means - a group or configuration of ideas, feelings, characteristics, objects, etc., that are related in some way. In other words, you will uncover the related components on your Life Path and facilitate your transformation through tabletop constellations accessing The Morphic Field. In Lessons 4 through 6, I also include a Demonstration Video to further assist you so that you can first watch me facilitate my own constellation before you facilitate yours.
If that was confusing or unclear, no worries. Again, The Morphic Field is an experiential phenomenon, so just hang on and experience it. Become Your Future Self Now is designed to alter the course of your life, each lesson is a pivotal stepping stone on your journey. The Morphic Field is a POWERFUL catalytic force for phenomenal, transformational healing. And as the nature of a catalyst- it can not transform your life on its own: you must do the work. Complete each lesson as it is intended and do the FunWork during the week to assist in integrating the freshly transformed energy into your life. Do the work, and please go easy on yourself: there may be a learning curve at the beginning. The more you enter The Morphic Field the easier it will be for you to stay “dropped in” and the deeper you will go. Some of you may “drop in” deeply with no problem, some of you may take longer. Your ability to deeply drop in will be greater over time through practice as you gain full body awareness, staying out of your head and centered through your heart.
You will be moving A LOT of energy the next 6 weeks so take good care of yourself. This first course I am offering is about YOU. You need you to first and foremost take care of YOU. Because there is no time and space in The Morphic Field channeling the energy and Becoming Your Future Self is instantaneous and will happen by the end of this course. In your life, Becoming Your Future Self will take time, depending on where you are on your Life Path and on the relationships you build with The Morphic Field and your self. It is so important to identify and regularly use whatever tools work for you on your journey during the next six weeks AND after the course as you step by step create the life of Your Future Self. During this course, it may support you to listen to The Ancestor meditation from Lesson 1 regularly; enter The Morphic Field at any time to strengthen your morphic resonance which will allow you to manifest more quickly. I am always seeking and adding new tools to support me on my journey. I use a varying combination of physical exercise, cleanses and detoxes, intermittent fasting, acupuncture, homeopathy, meditation, earthing in nature (grounding), Law of Attraction, affirmations, tarot, astrology, journaling, Ayurveda, yoga, dancing, singing, chanting, comedy, acting, improv, spiritual social groups, essential oils, sage, incense, crystals, etc. Sometimes I use these tools daily sometimes I don't feel the calling to use them for months. Supplementing with tools that work for you will help you ground yourself as you take solid steps on your cleared Life Path towards manifesting Your Future Self.
For this course you will need:
- Quiet, uninterrupted space (no phones, pets, or kids)
- A table top, post-it notes, and a pen
- A journal that you will take with you to write and draw your experiences throughout this course. You will be writing "FUNwork" (which is fun homework) immediately after each video constellation. You will also write in your journal throughout the week communications from The Morphic Field in the form of synchronicities, coincidences, and dreams. Your Future Self Now journal should be transportable and convenient. I suggest an 8.5" by 11" artist sketchbook so you can draw and write. As always, set yourself up to win, do what works for you.
If you have your journal then you are ready to begin! We will begin in the first module by opening the portal to our resourcing Ancestors.